To my ears, much of this album seems to take inspiration from the work of other artists. The introduction to opening track "So Ambiguous" sounds like it was beamed back from the seventies and the collaboration with Alison Goldfrapp called
"The Night" leans heavily into Kraftwerk beats. The faux R&B vibes of "Just Wanted To Know" are fun and "Like an Old Dog" reminds me of Laurie Anderson (but with melody).
Where the album succeeds best is when the band revert to their own distinctive sound and "Me&Youphoria" is more akin to what I expect. The 'hands in the air' excitement of "Feel It" is hard to resist and the ten minute ride of "Speed King" proves to be a real joy. The only dull spots are "Lights Out" with Pixx and the disappointing "The Next Day" in which Jamie Irrepressible warbles away to himself for four minutes.
All in all there is more to like on this record than the second one, but I still think there is a case to be made for creating two playlists to summarise this box set. Personally I would like to hear a 'bangers' top ten and a downtempo collection that cuts out some of the more maudlin moments. But as a whole, this project should be considered a great success and I look forward to more Röyksopp albums sorry... 'projects'. 4/5