For instance:
Vangelis and Jarre collaborating on a version of ‘Crocketts Theme’ anyone?
The previously unheard of Depeche Mode remix of New Order’s ‘Bizarre Love Triangle’?
Kraftwerk’s recording of the synthesizer classic ‘Popcorn’ sound good to you?
By far the most annoying (to me anyway) miss tagging was the ubiquitous “One Night in Bangkok” by the Pet Shop Boys. “One Night in Bangkok” became an international hit for Murray Head in 1984 and is seemingly regarded by many as a classic of the era. However, it has absolutely no links to the Pet Shop Boys. Not only do labels such as this rob the original artist of the credit but also tarnish the unfortunate recipient.

How this, and other bizarre tags, originated is quite a mystery. Obviously, the ignorance/stupidity of one person contributed and as the file was copied, the error spread like a virus.
Yet in this age of legal downloads and consumer shrewdness this irritation is no longer a major problem. Yes, iTunes frequently miss labels tracks, but that is down to the record company submitting them and not Apple as such. Yet if you look closely at the files people are listening to on last.fm, it seems there are STILL some dumb asses listening to ‘One Night in Bangkok’ by the Pet Shop Boys or Jean-Miche Jarre’s version of the ‘Miami Vice’ Theme.