Live drumming

In case anyone should be interested, this is how I feel ALL electronic musicians should work. Yes, using a real drummer creates an energy and a vibe that programming just can not match. But it's seriously lame when your original work was purely electronic.

Forget an acoustic kit for your drummer. Do this:

Vinyl Factory

OK, so they are only trying to sell me stuff. But boy do I like what they are trying to sell me. The Vinyl Factory send me an e-mail every now and then letting me know how good their latest product is. Trouble is, I get tempted far too often.

I've sung the merits of vinyl before on this blog, and my love of the 'Ultimate Edition' of the Pet Shop Boys album 'Yes' should be familiar. So my affinity with the products provided by The Vinyl Factory makes perfect sense. The quality of both the vinyl and the artwork produced by this company are second to none and it is no wonder an increasing number of artists are turning to them to manufacture their limited editions or vinyl pressings. So do yourself (and your ears) a favour and order your next purchase from them.

And this should come as no suprise to anyone.