Snap, Crackle, Pop

I'm sure I've said it before, but it's worth repeating that all vinyl is not created equal. I used to assume that the 12" singles I bought in the 80's and 90's sounded poor because my turntable was rubbish and I didn't look after my vinyl very well. Well it turns out that is only partly true.

One particular 'slab of wax' that frustrated me was the remix 12" of "Inside Out" by Electribe 101. My copy crackled and popped as if it had been covered with iron filings and scratched with a nail. Right from brand new this vinyl just wouldn't play properly. It was a real shame as the MCM Remix was one of the best remixes of any Electribe 101 track and, in truth, was probably one of the best things the band ever released. Yet all I had was a rubbish 12" that was barely listenable.

Fast forward 20 years and I buy another copy from Discogs in an attempt to do justice to the music. When the single turned up I lay it reverentially on the platter, dropped the needle and lo and behold, exactly the same 'scratches' all over the first track. Whoever mastered this 12" obviously never listened back to it and I can only assume neither did the band.

Having recorded the vinyl into my PC I attempted to repair the audio and make a good master of the MCM Mix. Once done I might finally get to hear it in something approaching its full glory. Yet the audio was so mashed, I gave up editing despite having put quite a few hours into the attempt. Over the years I keep loading up the Audacity file and tinker around removing huge sratches and  'repairing' sections of audio. But the task remains so mammoth I am losing faith that I will ever hear the MCM mix without the offending clicks.

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