One record at a time: 215. Jean Michel Jarre - Oxymore

I started reviewing the Jean Michel Jarre records in my collection back in April and today we finally reach the end with "Oxymore".

This album seems to generate quite polarizing opinions amongst fans with some happy to declare it Jarre's best work since "Zoolook" or place it amongst the best 3 albums he has ever made. On the other side of the coin there are those of us who regard this as self-indulgent nonsense that finds Jarre devoid of ideas.

Before this album was released I became wary when I noticed it was to be made available as a binaural recording. To me this was a big warning sign that the music was going to be all style and no substance. To a certain extent this assumption was correct as there is little on this record that stands out and it just amounts to sound design rather than composing. Having said that, it is still better that the preceding album "Amazonia".

One online review describes this record as, "a hard listen" and I think that sums things up quite well. Nothing flows, ideas move in and out at random and parts of it are just plain annoying. I must have very different tastes to the people who love this album as I regard it as amongst Jarre's worst. 1/5

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