Even with a title as manifest as "The Inevitable End" I never really believed this was going to be the final album by Röyksopp. When I look back to the events of 2014, Svein and Torbjørn were never really clear on what their plan was beyond saying, "we won't make any more traditional albums", therefore it didn't really come as a surprise when they eventually resumed releasing records and the whole thing turned out to be a bit of a fuss over nothing.
I bought this record on the day it was released and I have loved it from the first time I heard it. There's so much variety and contrast in these songs that it is almost impossible to become bored. There are one or two more introspective and melancholy moments that are a little drawn-out, but generally everything here is catchy and succinct.
There can be no doubt that Röyksopp are one of few electronic groups that have a unique sound and those singular characteristics are woven into all of these songs. My favourite on this album is a superb collaboration with Jamie Irrepressible called "I Had This Thing" which emerges from a tender chrysalis into a soaring anthem. Another joint effort with Irrepressible titled "Here She Comes Again" is also worthy of praise as is the collaboration with Robyn titled "Monument". However the second effort with Robyn titled "Rong" sounds like some sort of angry adolescent chant that conveys nothing. There's nothing to like in this song and its childish profanity and boring repetition mean I skip it every single time.
Happily there are many more great songs on this record with opening track "Skulls", the excellent single "Sordid Affair" and "Running to the Sea" with Susanne Sundfør being stand outs. The coda of the album features a couple of downtempo songs that allow things to wind down as the band say their goodbyes. 4/5