I am a collector of Pet Shop Boys records. I am not in the 'A league' of people who spend thousands on one item (the most I have ever spent was £500 on the Electricity box set), but I have found some rarities over the years. At the last count I owned around 700 items across a variety of formats with a focus on UK releases and the more unique or interesting imports. However, one single release seems harder for me to find than most. Step forward "Domino Dancing" and its 'double sleeve' variants.
Back in the 80's, record companies and artists tried various marketing techniques to boost the chart position of their records. Between 1987 and 1989 Pet Shop Boys and their label Parlophone elected to issue their 7" and 12" singles with a variety of sleeves: exactly the same record, just a different cover. Lets not be coy, this was a cynical attempt to lure people into buying the same record twice.
For a period, these sleeves took the form of double and single types - the standard "R" catalogue number denoted the single sleeve version and the "RS" catalogue number was used to identify the double sleeve.
I never seemed to have much trouble acquiring the "RS" versions of singles such as "Left To My Own Devices" (in fact I never saw the single sleeve 12" on sale in 1988), "It's a Sin" or "Always On My Mind", but the "Domino Dancing" double sleeves continue to give me trouble to this very day.
It all started in around 2003 when I took the plunge and joined eBay. I began stepping up my attempts to fill holes in my Pet Shop Boys collection and soon won a copy of the "RS" version of the "Domino Dancing" 12". How pleased I was! Until I missed the delivery and the parcel was returned to the mail centre. A few days later I rolled up at said mail centre to be told the parcel was 'lost': "The postman remembers bringing it into the office but we can't find it." It wasn't just the fact that they had lost my parcel that caused me to become annoyed, it was the total indifference of the Royal Mail staff that really got to me. They couldn't give a toss about me or my stupid parcel. F**k you Royal Mail.

Undeterred I tried to buy another "RS" 12" over the proceeding months and finally won a copy that the Royal Mail managed not to damage or lose. The trouble with this copy was the fabled 'double sleeve' had a variety of non-peelable stickers firmly attached to it. At some point someone had clearly attempted to remove the stickers causing irreparable damage. I proceeded pulled off some more of the stickers and did even more damage. Great. It was only many years later (at the third time of asking) that I managed to acquire a very good condition "RS" 12".
I was happy with my collection until one day, whilst idly flicking through my 7" singles, I realised the "RS" version of "Domino Dancing" was missing. I say 'missing', but in truth I'm not sure I ever owned one. I can't keep track of every single item and I seem to have just assumed I owned it. In an attempt to rectify this situation I immediately logged onto Discogs and ordered a copy. I sat back and waited for my shiny "RS" sleeved beauty to arrive.
Then I got a message from the seller: "Errr I advertised it but I can't find it. Sorry." and he promptly cancelled the order. I have never had this happen on Discogs before or since and was left totally bemused. What is it with me and disappearing "Domino Dancing" records??!! Am I cursed? Am I destined to NEVER complete my "RS" collection? These records aren't expensive, they're not even that rare, but I seem to have a particular problem getting my hands on them. So I am still looking for my one last "RS" sleeve - but the fun is in the chase.
2023 UPDATE - I actually managed to track down a copy of the RS 7" in 2020 and consider my collection complete. However, I have noticed that there are now two different pressings of this single...