As there was little publicity about these little collectibles, it seems some people missed out. Now
I can understand people may be frustrated at not being able to get hold of something immediately, but I've been a collector for over 20 years and I know that these things come around again. Almost every time I have spent a lot of money to get hold of something at the time of release (Flamboyant promo 12" for £50 comes to mind) it has become available for a fraction of the price about 6 month later. So why spend £100+ on a £15 mp3 player? Or £200 if it comes with a signed postcard?
These buttons may be scarce but I assure you they will creep out of the woodwork in a few months and I very much doubt they will be selling for £100 then. Yes, I have been wrong before about what will increase in value and what won't, but there is still no way an mp3 player disguised as a badge should be selling for the amount they are.
Add in the fact that the "Electric Box" has sold out in a few days it would seem that not only are Pet Shop Boys fans crazy, they also have deep pockets.