Increasingly I am realising that the CD’s might be a 'back up'
for a lot of my music, but there is an increasing amount which I only
own in digital download format. Sometimes this is because I have no choice and
the music is only available as a download, sometimes it is out of choice, but I
am becoming increasingly comfortable with the idea that music doesn’t have to
come on a black or silver disc. I never play my CD’s or vinyl anymore and only use them
as a source to rip. I play music from my phone via Bluetooth in my car and home;
I use last.fm on my Xbox and play MP3’s constantly from my PC. Thus, it is
totally illogical that I continue to buy music in physical formats.
I am trying hard to give up physical releases and weaning
myself off by only buying digital downloads of artists who are new to me (such
as Chairlift’s “Something” this week) and sticking to physical releases for artists
I love and consider myself a collector of (Pet Shop Boys, Nine Inch Nails etc
etc). I hope I can stay on the path to CD sobriety; my spare room is small
enough as it is and I really don’t want to have to throw away that Sven Vath CD
– oh no, hold on a minute……..