Innovative music doesn't have to be rubbish

One of the biggest thrills for me is finding new music that I enjoy. Whilst it is easy to discover music I have not heard before, it is very difficult to discover music that I actually like. However, since joining I have discovered innumerable artists that have open my eyes and ears in a way that I never thought possible. One such recent discovery is the artist MaJiKer. 

Listening to MaJiKer’s inventive and quite unique style, led me to consider the process of innovation in music. You see, there are many artists out there who are experimenting with sound. The internet is full of new music that pushes boundaries and drives modern styles. The only problem being that the majority of it is plain rubbish. Yet by pushing boundaries, such artists leave the way open for those who actually know how to take this innovation and mould it into something exciting. Where would we be if Elvis decided to stand still whilst performing? Imagine if DJ Pierre had decided not to bother using that little silver doormat to create “Acid Tracks”. Where would music be if Kraftwerk decided to stick with their flute, bass guitar and drum kit? What would have happened if the Pet Shop Boys had never recorded Release? (Oh, sorry that was just wishful thinking on my part).

To me there is little to admire in music that is innovative other than the innovation itself. Yet there is everything to admire in music that is both innovative and good to listen to. So get to MaJiKer’s artist page on, download his free tracks and treat yourself to some great new music.

Too much of anything is never enough

I can't seem to stop listening to Love Etc. It's one of those songs that doesn't impress on first listening, but slowly grows until it becomes lodged in your head. I really can't stop playing it.

The only trouble with this situation is that by the time their new album comes out, I run the risk of being tired of the track. When Home and Dry was released some years ago, I played a promo copy of the single none stop for weeks proclaiming it their best in years. Once the travesty that was Release came out the track was tainted by the rest of the rubbish on the album and consequently I don't like the track much. The same happened with Before and its parent disc Bilingual and other albums too.

I sincerely hope Yes is going to be as good as I anticipate and that Love Etc hasn't brought about false hope of a superb album of electronic music by master songwriters.

Pet Shop Boys: Love Etc.

Any new Pet Shop Boys release gets top priority in my house, so finding their new single "Love Etc." became my obsession in the last few days.

Happily I found it and you can preview it here.

Great title but I'm not quite convinced of this tracks merits yet. Not very catchy and the vocal is buried in the muddy mix. Some nice synth riffs from Mr Lowe as usual. Still I hope it does well.

Music on web pages... STOP IT!

Ok its time for another rant. Whilst browsing the net recently I have encountered an annoying practice which I thought had all but died out: web pages that play music. Whether it be a MIDI file or an embedded mp3 there is nothing more annoying to me than a web page that insists you listen to music.

Music is so important to me that I am always listening to it. If I’m driving my car, I’m listening to music. If I’m cooking a meal, I’m listening to music. If I’m taking a bath, I’m listening to music. If I’m browsing the internet, I’m listening to music. So when a web page starts playing music I close it immediately. Even if the page is one that I am interested in, I close it instantly as a matter of principle. Consequently, I have no idea of what artists like Simian Mobile Disco or Mike Oldfield are up to as their respective ‘official’ web pages insist on playing their music as soon as you open them.

Many such pages allow you to turn off the music but by the time you find the tiny flash application to stop it the damage has been done. Music really should be off by default on web pages and the practice outlawed by some code of conduct. Ok finished now.