It is quite fitting that the opening track "Pinking" is named after an engine fault as the song is a bit of a miss fire. As soon as you think the atmosphere is about to build into something interesting, it ends. "Europa Hymn" is an improvement and reminds me of B12 or Aphex Twin with some unmistakable Martin Gore flourishes thrown in. Another standout is "Stealth" which rumbles along with some nice chords and minimalistic beats. "Crowly" is a bit more aggressive sounding and is reminiscent of Gore's collaboration with Vince Clarke "VCMG" (how do they think of these band names? Amazing). Everything else washes over me like a sea of mediocrity.
As I swap the discs and handle the packaging I can't help but feel the quality of this pressing is a little wasted on the music. Both discs sound as good as you would expect from a heavyweight Optimal media pressing, and both a CD and digital download were included in the package. Yet nothing on here really grabs my attention. This is a soundtrack to a movie that has yet to be made, and I think I might enjoy it more in such a context; but as a piece to listen to, it doesn't really interest me that much. 2/5